Frequently asked questions

What is FounderNest?
FounderNest is a personalized market intelligence platform that helps you discover companies & uncover hidden gems, identify tailored data trends & emerging technologies & track what your competition is doing. All this in any topic of your interest (not pre-defined irrelevant ones.)
How does FounderNest get its data?
Our AI engine is purpose-built for advanced company discovery and insight generation, leveraging comprehensive data sets optimized for use with the latest NLP technologies. This means that we take raw data from millions of sources, optimize within our Proprietary Data Asset and surface the intelligence through our platform. FounderNest provides personalized, highly-accurate and comprehensive results that you will not find anywhere else.
Why is FounderNest better than alternatives?
FounderNest is a market intelligence platform, not a database of companies like many of our competitors. FounderNest can help you discover 47% more relevant companies & insights, find market intelligence & source critical information 21x FounderNest is a market intelligence platform, not a database of companies. Compared to alternatives, our customers discover 47% more relevant companies & insights, find market intelligence & source critical information 21x faster and are able to boost their market intelligence efforts by 10x.faster, cover & track infinite spaces to 10x your market intelligence activities and make sure you outpace your competition & reduce risk of missing out by 97%.
Can I try FounderNest for free?
Yes, it is a limited version limited to 2 Spaces. If you want to try the full version, talk to our team.

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