October 8, 2024

Counter V: CVCs Insights from the Event

The Counter V event in San Francisco serves as a prestigious annual gathering, attracting over 500 Corporate Venture Capital investors from across the globe.

Below are the detailed insights we gathered from attending the event.

  • Corporate Venture Capital activity is resuming — After a period of lower activity, CVC initiatives are starting to regain momentum. Participation in VC deals remains robust, with a 28% global participation rate so far in 2024. Notably, the percentage of CVC funds targeting earlier stages has increased since 2021: rising from 6% to 13% for Pre-seed and Seed, and from 65% to 68% for Early-stage (Seed, Series A and B) investments. There’s a wave of optimism for 2025 as investors anticipate even more activity.

Source: SVB Silicon Valley Bank

  • Generative AI is a tool, not a sector — It's an excellent means to optimize performance and get more done in less time, or with fewer resources. This doesn’t imply a lack of interest from CVCs; in fact, it broadens the opportunities for AI investments across various industries.
  • Hey parents, leave your CVCs alone — Interestingly, the more hands-on the investor, the less successful the startup tends to be. VC-CVC co-investments can be highly effective, provided that CVCs remain passive and maintain a supportive but not overly involved role. Still, CVCs can offer immense benefits through guidance, distribution networks, capital, and access to other investors — but without getting too involved.

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